Friday, January 1, 2016

30 'til 30: The final countdown

Time has a way of flying by, doesn't it? I can't believe it has been over two years since I have taken the time to write anything public about my life. I've journaled privately here and there, but I have  mostly been busy tackling that whole adulthood thing I was pondering back in November 2013. The biggest moments: I quit my first grown-up job and started a wonderful new adventure as a high school teacher. I found mentors and made great new friends in the education world. I caught up with old friends on the west coast, New York, and Carolina. I interviewed for grad school in Texas, almost moved to Arkansas (!) and had a South American adventure in Ecuador. I faced my fear of commitment and worked on learning how to compromise and give in a long-term relationship. I also learned that no amount of compromise can fix a bad relationship, and two good people can still be wrong for each other. So I accepted a breakup and realized that singleness really isn't so bad after all.

 Like all of the life I've known so far, 2014 and 2015 brought both tears of pain and tears of joy, equal shares of anxiety and glee, excitement and disappointment, stress and rest.

And now, here we are on the first day (er--night)  of 2016, and the official countdown to turning 30 has begun! For the past year, I've thought a lot (probably too much) about the idea of 30. For some reason, 30 has always been a deadline kind of year. The internet is full of 30 before 30 bucket lists. I even have my own little countdown going on Instagram, though I promise you won't see me bungee jumping or trying to visit all 7 continents in the next 30 days. 

There is an expectation that comes with 30. At 30 you will have it together (or at least look like you do on social media). I certainly expected that I'd be married and ready to start thinking about babies by now. In fact, a majority of friends my age either: a. are married, b. own a home, c. have a kid, or d. all of the above.

It is easy to fall prey to the attitude that I am behind the curve, to get discouraged by thinking about the life I thought I would have by now, instead of being thankful for the incredibly blessed life I DO have already.

So, instead of a New Year's Resolution (which I never can keep anyway), I'm making 30 day resolution to stop worrying about where I'm supposed to be by the time I turn 30 and own the three decades of memories and accomplishments I have made so far. 

For the next 30 days, I will be sharing a different kind of 30 before 30. Each day (hopefully) from now until January 31, I am going to write a blog post about a moment that shaped my story. They may not be as easily celebrated on Facebook as a wedding or the birth of a child, but I have had some pretty significant life experiences, and I want to take the time, before the next decade begins to reflect on them here.

30 moments that shaped me. 30 moments that brought me to where I am today. Which, I am finally starting to believe, is exactly where I am supposed to be.


  1. ❤️ you so much. You have always been such an inspiration to me. It's gonna be a great year!!!

    - Lesie P

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 3.5 years ago I was sure I'd be single at 30. I don't believe "stop looking and things will happen". It just all happens in God's timing - which sometimes (well, most of the time) sucks and is NEVER my timing haha. I just turned 30 and I just got married - I thought this would happen years ago, but it didnt. I feel like i'm drowning in debt, I somehow still make barely over entry level salary for my industry, I am NOT ready for kids anytime soon, and I have no idea when I'll be able to own a home. Definitely not soon. Sometimes people just look like they have it together on the outside :) Not saying you thought I probably know I dont haha!! My little sister went to college, met her first boyfriend at 23, got engaged months later, married 6 months after that, owns a home, is 5mo pregnant with a baby girl, and now they're looking at buying a 2nd house (WAT.). It's really hard sometimes for me to look at her and not think my life is in shambles, haha. But....she didnt get the experiences I got. I got to move to dc and new york, work at some really awesome places, meet really amazing people, learn really cool things, go to africa and france, and travel to many other cool places. I don't think i'd trade my 20s at all. I am who I am because of my experiences - and so are you. I'm glad you know that :) I'm actually really glad i'm only starting "real adult life stuff" now in my 30s. I wasn't ready before - and that would have been boring I think!! haha.

    You are awesome - I love the person you've become, and you've got some kick-ass stories because of all your amazing experiences. You've definitely got an exciting life ahead of you. :)
